Financial Issues of Divorce

From the division of property, closely held businesses and private investments to establishing child support and alimony, we have the experience you need to move forward.
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Resolving Financial Problems from Divorce

A Massachusetts divorce typically requires that the parties resolve financial issues concerning, alimony (or spousal support), child support, medical insurance for the parties and their children, division of marital assets and allocation of tax liability.

​Valuing closely held businesses and private investments with a view towards structuring property settlements;

Working closely with expert witnesses to litigate the value of marital assets;

Determining the true economic benefit or income a person receives from a privately held business for purposes of determining support;

Locating and tracing marital assets and income;
Litigating the enforceability of premarital agreements;

Structuring support arrangements to achieve maximum total after-tax family cash flow;

Creating tax-effective property division arrangements; and

Achieving practical, cost-effective approaches to resolving complex financial issues.

Property Division

Our accomplished lawyers skillfully handle classification, valuation, hidden assets and multiple other issues that arise.


The divorce lawyers of Tracey, Roman & Ramos, PC have extensive experience in complex alimony considerations.

Experience. Creativity. Results.

We are committed to serving the best interests of our clients, providing access to justice for our clients and enabling our clients to move forward with dignity and respect.